Hawkspur is delighted to report the exchange of a promotion agreement on a circa 4 acre greenfield site at Maresfield in Sussex, acting for landowner clients. The three joint owners are in three different time zones and notwithstanding this, the deal was not without its challenges, all now resolved!
The land has excellent connections and in the next 5-10 years, the site has the potential to deliver 30-40 new homes with other ancillary leisure/retail/employment uses, as well as biodiversity net gain and environmental enhancement. The land is a draft allocation and will be promoted through the Wealden District Council Local Plan, with stakeholder engagement and community consultation.
Our thanks to Kriti Sherchan and Kerry Addison of Thompson Smith and Puxon solicitors for their valuable expertise in drawing up the agreement for our mutual client as well as Jordan Langdon-Bates of promoter Terra Strategic and his lawyer, Joanne McDaid of Gowlings.
If you own potential development land and would be interested in discussing how we can help, please contact Nick Harper at Hawkspur – nickharper@hawkspur.co.uk