There has been some excellent work recently comparing how councils are performing in terms of delivering planning permissions for housing against their targets. Many have delivered although the research identifies that in some cases, for this to continue it is contingent on infrastructure delivery (eg Bedford Borough Council) and sticking to their own timetable for adopting the Local Plan. But – as many are not delivering sufficient housing and the NPPF dictates that these fall into the “presumption in favour” of development or that an Action Plan is required to remedy this.
A few examples are Uttlesford, Ipswich, North Herts and Basildon.
This provides opportunities for landowners to have their potential development land promoted for additional future housing – either through planning representations or an early planning application in some cases.
If you own potential development land and would be interested in finding out if your local council has been delivering enough housing sites, please contact us – www.hawkspur.co.uk