We are delighted to report the successful sale of our client’s land in Essex to Lewis & Scott Retirement Living Ltd. The land has detailed planning permission for 25 dwellings and community hub as a residential specialist neighbourhood for older people.
Hawkspur acted for the landowners throughout the sale negotiations and liaised with their solicitors, Thompson Smith and Puxon. Our thanks to Kerry Addison for her advice throughout to completion.
The land was originally under an option agreement negotiated by Hawkspur and the permission granted was supported by the Local Planning Authority who recognised the need to provide specialist care and housing for its older residents.
If you own land with development potential, would be interested in knowing what your land is worth or have been approached by a developer offering terms for an option or promotion agreement, please contact Nick Harper FAAV MRICS (nickharper@hawkspur.co.uk – 07528 089419) for an informal discussion to see how we can help you.